sprinkle your carpets with borax....leave on for a few hours, then vacuum.
K. G.
My two choc labs have just gotten fleas. I took them to the vet and they are now on Frontline but weren't b4 due to an allergic reaction to biospot. Anyway I have seen a few in my house - what do I do?? Do I have to "bomb" the house or call an exterminator? Is there a pesticide free alternative? I also have 2 young children. Any advice would really help me. Thank you.
sprinkle your carpets with borax....leave on for a few hours, then vacuum.
K. G.
Hi Maria,
There are some testimonials posted online from people who found solutions to get rid of fleas in their homes. http://shakstories.blogspot.com . Click on Fleas down the right column.
Your request is several months old. I hope you've solved your flea problem by now.
This is going to sound crazy, but my Sister had a bed bug problem and she used a totally safe, non-toxic product that totally did the trick:
It works by drying out the pest's exoskeleton (ew). Since they are both blood sucking, and have exoskeletons, I'm sure it could work for fleas too.
It REALLY worked! Give it a try. I recommend the powder for carpets, and crevices, and the spray for upholstery and pet beds.
Hi Maria,
If you're house isn't infested with them maybe ask the Veterinarian what they would recommend. If you are infested, several years ago we used Fleabusters. We tried bombs and they did absolutely nothing...Fleabusters came in and took care of the problem.
Good Luck!