Get her something new to eat, check to make sure she's not getting her molars, and keep offering all throughout the day. toddlers are picky, and they go through phases.
my 1 year old daughter has always been a very good eater but for this past week she doesnt seem to want to eat food n e more she will take a few bites and no more i dont know what to do is this normal any advice
Get her something new to eat, check to make sure she's not getting her molars, and keep offering all throughout the day. toddlers are picky, and they go through phases.
Pretty normal for that age. They slow down alot in growth and became alot more active in what the choose to eat and how much ")
It's amazing what they manage to live on in the next few years. As long as you give a good multivitamin you should be fine. My son has lived on cheese and crackers and PBJ's for the past two years!
Best Regards,
You dont worry about it:) She is going to go through phases like this, and as long as you continue to offer her good choices, and not fill up on milk or snacks in between meals, you allow her to control how much she eats. It is good for her to start learning how to stop when she is full. Also, remember, that a serving size for a young child is 1 tbsp per year of age. So, she is likely getting enough. She is not growing as much as they do when they go from a baby to a 1 year old. Enjoy this next chapter in your life..it is so much fun!! ~A.~
I didn't read the other responses, but I've raised 3 myself and sometimes their tastes change a little or she'll eat when she gets hungry. Try and keep healthy snack foods available for her like the Gerber line and fruit such as grapes you can cut in small pieces. If she's still eating baby food, maybe she's ready for some table food. Try potatoes, diced carrots, maybe raisins too.