Hi L.---One thing to look at with hormonal issues is your diet. Eating a diet rich in fiber, more than 50 grams per day, will help to remove excess estrogens from your bloodstream. Yes, 50 grams is a lot, compared to dietary recommendations, but many health care professionals feel that the current 24 gm is too low, AND most people don't come anywhere close to that anyway. Fiber also helps to remove excess cholesterol from the bloodstream, as well as the obvious digestive function it serves :).
Keep a food diary and keep track of what you eat each day. It will take some work to plan on a diet that will accomplish this goal. Then, work hard to eliminate environmental sources of estrogen. Plastics are a huge contributor. Never put any plastic in the microwave, as heat puts what are called xenoestrogens into the food that is being cooked. Avoid cans lined with BPA. Check out the website www.ewg.org and you can learn more about BPA and other potential carcinogens. Too much estrogen in the body increases the risks of prostate and reproductive cancers.
This hopefully will help a bit, but with food, it takes time for it to help the body heal. BTW, a diet that is mostly plants; fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes/beans, nuts and seeds are what will help you to eat more fiber. Food is best, supplemental fiber doesn't work the same outside of food. Just to let you know, I am taking a series of wellness classes taught by a Naturopath who has her PhD in Nutrition. I can get you info to support my suggestions as well as additional info that may help you through this time.
Take care and good luck. D.