He should be able to count to 20 or higher.
Be able to say the alphabet.
Be able to recognize some letters of the alphabet or all of them.
Be able to spell his name and write it (does not have to be perfect)
Draw a Human face with the features in the correct places.. (not perfect)
Be able to go to the potty all by himself (pull down pants and underwear, use the potty and wipe, replace his clothing back on his body)
Be able to wash his hands
Can sit and listen to a whole story
Should be able to keep his hands to himself
Knows his birthday
Can open a carton of milk, put a straw in his own juice box.
Things to prepare for Kinder..
Give him multiple tasks all at once.
"Please go to my room and look on my end table. I need my book with the picture of the car on it. Also could you bring me my car keys, they should be in my purse."
"We are going to the grocery store, help me make a list of what we need."
Sit down and you write it out, he could make his own list with some things he draws pictures of.
When you get to the grocery store tell him you forgot the list and see how many items he can remember, then at the last minute ask him to see if he can find the list in your purse. When he finds it, go over what is in the basket, verses what was on the list and see how many he remembered and how many he for got.. Work on memory..
Have him work on fine motor skills. Lots of coloring, sidewalk chalk, playdo, rolling small balls with his fingers rolling long snakes..
Have him separate all of the loose change into little piles. Have him connect an entire box of paperclips. (this does not have to be at one sitting)
Have him pick up stuff using only clothes pins.
Have him hang and then button all shirts out of the dryer.
Take him to story times at the library and the bookstore. Remind him to sit still and listen. If he has a question, remind him to raise his hand.
Teach him at when you drive down the street it is always on the right side of the road. When you walk in a store, remind him once again to walk on the right side of the aisle.
He will do great! So will you.