I've never heard that you can't eat honey while you're pregnant. I have heard not to use honey with babies because of an old wives tale to put honey on the pacifer.... which every pedi./book I've read has said not to do.
Just a quick question. Can you eat honey when you are pregnant??
Thank you all for the Responses... I knew you couldn't feed it to babies, but I just wasn't sure about when you were pregnant. This is my first pregnancy so I just don't to take any chances...Thank you again!! :)
I've never heard that you can't eat honey while you're pregnant. I have heard not to use honey with babies because of an old wives tale to put honey on the pacifer.... which every pedi./book I've read has said not to do.
I have eaten it with all three pregnancies and have had no problems. Again, just not for children under age one.
I have never heard anything that says not to.
Babies under a year shouldn't have honey because of botulism. As adults it doesn't bother us, so you are fine. To me it seems, if you eat honey regularly your baby should be immune but they still say wait until the baby is a year old. http://www.drgreene.com/21_825.html
You are safe to eat honey... Good luck
I have heard that. It's just not cooked. Has bacteria or something, haven't looked into it in a while. I still eat some, not much at a time.