Sorry, no suggestions. I have had a Sony eReader since last Christmas...a year now! And when I first got it I bought a few books from their Sony store as I had a certificate..but since then I never pay for books. The library downloads always have something I want to read, so far. In my area, the local public system did not subscribe to the ebook system (no vendor, no funds to pay for it) I drove 2 hours, one way, to spend literally 7 whole minutes in a different counties public library to fill out a simple form to get registered in their system so I could do it all online. Now many months later my local system uses the same vendor.
I just go thru books to fast...I have never much liked paying for books (before my mother passed away 3 years ago, she was my "dealer"..and supplied me with loads of books as we had similar taste mostly, and she had alot more expendable income!). Love my certificates at the holidays tho..and love a real book occasionally. But man, oh man, do I love my gadget book!
Good Luck!