My son is 9 months and he is also breastfed. Here is his schedule, it's pretty similar to yours.
6:30 wake up and BF
7:30- Breakfast
10:30/11- BF after waking from nap
11:45/12- Lunch
2:00/2:30- BF before 2nd nap
4:00- Small snack and offer sippy with water/juice (we used to BF around 5 pm when I picked him up from daycare but we just dropped this feeding)
6:00- Dinner
7:00- BF and down for the night
He eats at least 4 oz or 1/2 cup of solids at each meal, sometimes more and his snack is usually a handful or cheerios or something similar. As for offering the nursing closer to feeding times, I think as long as she is getting adequate amounts of milk and solids, your schedule is fine. In other words, I would only worry about adjusting it if she wasn't getting enough of either one because she was still full as a result of the different meals being spread out. One thing to consider with your mealtimes-- my objective is to get my son on our eating schedule (or close to it) so he is eating when we are eventually. Hope this helps.