The first month of school is typically a 'wash' after a long break (even just a "few" weeks of winter break = a couple weeks getting back in the groove).
I was a homeschooler for 5 years. I know EXACTLY what we were doing, and how... but if we took a break... it would take a little bit to get back in the groove.
About half my friends are 'awayschool' teachers (also homeschoolers... but their dayjob is teaking k12 in public, private, charter, etc.)., and according to them as well, the first 4-6 weeks of school is pure review.
You're only 2 weeks in, so expect 2-4 more weeks before things 'click' again. And expect this each and every single year.
Ditto, Jo W. as well. I grew up travelling, and the 'Toss the baby in the deep end to see if they can swim!' / throw them to the wolves "year" was different with each school system. Some that was 1st. Some 2nd. Some 3rd. Some 4th. Some 5th. It's the year when EVERYTHING wrong gets marked as wrong, and when EVERYTHING speeds up as far as level/quality of expected work is required.
I lucked out. I happened to hit the "sink or swim' year 4 moves in a row. My closest sister had the opposite experience, and was coddled 4 moves in a row. I ended up very independent and capable (because more and more was expected of me), she completely fell apart when she finally had the gloves taken off (because in the school we were in the gloves had come off several years prior. Wolf Eating year they expect the kids to flounder. Because she was past that year, and floundering, her self confidence was crushed. After HER experience, my mum was really able to help the younger ones when they ran into this. But my sis is mad strong to have been able to come out of that experience still swinging (after about a solid year of crying and feeling worthless). My youngest brother sort of fell through the cracks, though (I was putting my mum through the wringer), and he had the same sort of experience and FINALLY (first time ever) fell in love with school... just because it was the first time he'd ever been challenged. So even though he and my sister had the "same" expereince, their different personalities took to it differently
I know the changing schools every year doesn't really apply to you, but I'm just sharing it to show how normal/expected these kinds of htings are.