I'd take her to the vet
What Cause my cat to eat than poop all over the floor
she eats then walks a few minutes then just cries and then poops in the floor and it watery and dark color and smells real bad.
I'd take her to the vet
our cat did something similar for a while. He would eat, pee in his box, but poop on the floor. In my bedroom. It was usually not very solid, smelled horrible, and made me a stressed out mess. We cannot afford vet visits, so I tried all kinds of things. I changed the litter brand. I shut all the doors in the house so he couldn't access the bedrooms. I gave him hairball treatment, then a few months later a worming treatment. Then when he would cry like he did before he pooped, I would gently carry him to his box and pet his face while he stayed in there till he pooped. I only had to do that twice and he uses his box exclusively now. It seems to me he wasn't feeling well and got scared of his box for awhile. I dunno. If can can afford a vet visit, go by all means. The vet at Petsmart often has coupons for a free initial checkup fro new clients.
Did you change the food?
Our cat did this (a long time ago) it was because we got another cat and our old cat was just set in her ways and dindt like the new change, much less sharing her litter box. Animals are creatures of habit, just like us. has something changed in your cats life??? a new baby?? new schedule?? new litter?? etc Usually its a strike the animial will go on. Keep the litter box fresh, try interacting more with the cat...she may be starving for your attention.
Not sure what is going on with your cat but you may want to take him/her to vet. Mine did that and they could not find out with multiple tests. You need to get the cat taken care of. Don't they told me he got into something but they don't know what. Please get him/her to vet and make sure you give him/her all meds even though it is hard to give. We had stopped because he was getting better and turns out he was not. I pray for you...... and your cat....
Are you sure that it is poop? Have you seen the cat actually do it? It sounds like the cat is eating and then throwing it up a few minutes later. That is what mine do from time to time. It looks like poop because it is shaped in "log" form. The cat probably has a hair ball that is blocking the food from going down all the way. Try some hairball control food and there are quite a few products out that you cat give them to break it up.