In my case I was able to go back to school after two weeks. I had no childbirth complications, but needless to say I was fighting with myself because I thought I shoudld have been at home. But going to school, as oposed to working, gave me a lot of time to be with the baby. I am graduating now from law school and didn't have to take a semester off, only those two weeks. Having the baby and returning to school wasn't the hard part, the hard part was keeping up with the school work, specialy if you and your husband don't have too many or any family members or close family friends that could help around. I'm proud to say that I did it, but it took lots of hard work , sacrifice and tons of help from my husband. We also made our schedules so we where the ones taking care of him, but there were times where I got sick or had finals and we could have used extra help. I had my son when I was in my second year and have exclusively breastfed him until now. this is my first son, so I know that your expertise will come in handy to make things even easier. Don't doubt yourself for a second. You shouldn't let your pregnancy stop you, you already know what it takes to be a mother and this will not be easy but will certanly be doable for you. There where many other women in my law school that did it, some or most of them took three weeks instead of two. Just make sure that either your profesors or classmates are sending the work to you while you are out so you don't fall behind. And feel free to contact me for help, you can do it!!