AVON Skin So Soft - original scent! You can get a big bottle, and rub it on at the end of bath time, put it in a spray bottle and spritz it on, and even buy it in a medium /smallish bottle that comes with a pump spray now. I hate poison - and I know the Avon SSS works (first hand). Also - I have noticed those rubbery bracelets in the stores that say they are made with citronella - not sure how they work, but may be worth a try. Also - if I have no choice and have to use one of the poison bug spray products - I try to stick to only spraying it on clothing, works fairly well and you at least feel like you're not putting poison directly on your skin. Also - if you have room , install a Martin house - they eat their weight X a bunch every day, but they do need an open area to fly and swoop. Good luck!