I would try to come to some kind of agreement with my husband and then present it to the kids. The kids will always give you a battle if they think their Dad doesn't care. He needs to be on board and hopefully if you tell him how important this is to you he will respect that or at least help you come up with a happy medium.
I've been doing a mom's store with my kids. I've gotten them a few little things toys, candy ect. I give them chore bucks for their chores. We wrote all their chores down agreed that they are things they can do and they are responsible for doing them. If they don't do them no chore buck. Then on Monday we open the store and they can buy something or save the chore bucks for the bigger items. If I have to remind the kids 3 times to do their chores then they have to pay me a buck, or if they want me to do their chores they have to pay me 5 chore bucks. I have 3 boys. So far it has worked out really well because they can see the reward and have something to work towards. Good luck I hope that helps. And no I don't think asking the kids to keep the floor clean is asking to much. It's teaching them to respect their stuff and take pride in being responsible.