Your son sounds a lot like mine. He started showing similar symptoms almost 2 years ago. We went in because he could barely breathe and would cough every night to the point of throwing up. They took chest xrays and found nothing. It took 3 breathing treatment in one day to get him to brethe ok again. Over the next year, he was put on Zyrtek syrup. That stopped working, so they added flonase nose spray. That stopped working after a while, so my ped sent me to an allergist who added a daily inhaler to the mix. At one point, he was on 4 daily medications daily and still coughing is his sleep. The way we cured it was by accident. We went on a super strict diet with him because a friend of a friend looked at hima nd said he looked "puffy". This guy is super knowledgable about this stuff and the diet is really healthy, so we said we would try it for 2 weeks. We saw improvements in every aspect of his life. His mascle tone got better, he started speaking better, his stools are healthier. After about 4 months of the diet we were able to slowly wean him off all of the meds. He has not had any allergy meds for 6 months. My ped was amazed and was trying to figure it out, so she did tests for wheat,dairy, corn, and soy. They all came back negative, but that doesn't really mean anything. Igg adn ige test can only show if your blood has an immediate reaction to the food. If it is a delayed reaction, it won't show. I test negative for a dairy allergy, but I definitely have one. It just takes my system about 3o minutes to react.