My kids love GeoTrax. They are durable and easy to use.
My son is 20 months old and we want to get him a train set. Everyone seems to sell Thomas sets but I think he might be a little young for Thomas. The pieces seem a little small. Any recommendations for a "first" train set?
My kids love GeoTrax. They are durable and easy to use.
We like GeoTrax. My son is 5 and still plays with them.
We liked (and still do like) GeoTrax.
Last Christmas when my son was 19 months old, we looked at the Thomas track system, GeoTrax system and Imaginarium track system...and I thought all of them were great! I don't think you can go wrong with any of them.
We ended up buying the Thomas system and did not feel the pieces were too small. I think I only had to put away one small piece (a small wooden base of a tree, or something like that). My son could not put the track together at first, but "grew into" it and can now put it together. This has been a really great activity for his fine motor skill development. Plus, it has been really fun to add onto the set with more tracks and accessories at birthdays. Oh -- and if you want to have Thomas trains without that level of expense, the Thomas train cars fit onto the Imaginarium track system.
The train set is the most played-with toy in the house. My kids set it up on the carpet each morning and we take it apart and put it away at night. Good luck!
I would look for a set that you can set up and leave put together and that the train has a battery to run around the track.
My girlfriend had a Pooh bear set for her son when he was about that age and he loved it. It would travel around in a loop and activate different extra pieces like a ferris wheel. It was great because he was too little to assemble a set himself and the Brio and Thomas sets come apart really easily-this one clicked in place and was really entertaining just to watch.
Check ebay or amazon, in fact her is a link to it
Only on Amazon it was pretty pricey, I'd still check ebay.