Christmas is about my kids..... and of course the family as a whole. But the time is meant to be celebrated in good spirits and making everything joyous and fun!! I have the best memories of Christmas with my family as a kid and want that for my children.
I know I have asked the whole believing in Santa type questions - but that is b/c that is the stage we are at with kids. It is new to me - so I have no clue what it is like to go thru it when a child realizes Santa may or may not be real.
And also to add - I (or others) may ask a question specifically about a gift or complaining about giving to a specific, but that doesn't mean as a whole I am a scrooge or anything like that. I LOVE giving, just I also want to make sure my family is taken care of as well. (And I hope this is read as bashing, I just mean in general some may ask in this form, or at least at times I know I feel this way, hehe)
I LOVE Christmas.. I love sending cards out and love getting them. I love my house decorated, love the cookies we make, and the time we get to spend as a family.