We lay in the grass, me inside the circle of his arms, and stargaze. He was really into astronomy as a child and it carried over into his adult life. We stargazed on our honeymoon, actually. We just love it.
We cook together, making really elaborate dishes that I'd never put the effort into when I was alone.
When someone can stay with the kids, we like to go see live music. Opera/symphony/classical style. We dress up fancy, go to a restaurant and then the music.
We shower together. Sometimes the only alone time we can get is in the shower. The kids know that when Mommy and Daddy go into the bathroom, they are to LEAVE us ALONE. I love when he washes my hair.
We play tennis, or badminton, alone and with the kids. That's a love of mine. :)
We play card games. We've figured out that, thus far, we know 28 different card games. His favorite is STILL strip poker, though. ;)
Sex. Always and often. ;)