<laughing> a couple ways:
1) Find what's funny. Almost everything in life, looked at in the right way are funny. Only 2 things in my experience don't have at least *something* funny about them. Even torture has it's lighter moments.
2) Figure out how it could be worse. As yet, I've yet to have my doomsdays come through. No matter how bad it gets, it can always be worse. So since it's not worse, things are looking up.
3) Figure out what my choices are. Even with a gun to my head, I've got choices. Doesn't mean they are the choices I want, but unless I'm unconscious, I'm not powerless. I've always got options.
4) Hedonism. Whatever it is, do something that makes me feel good. The worse things are, the more important happiness is.
5) Remember a documentary I watched a long time ago. It was interviewing people who jumped and lived. Each and every SINGLE O. of them said that the moment they let go the solution to all of their problems was crystal clear. They just hadn't figured it out yet. (aka permanant solution to a temporary problem)
6) My favorite piece of advice given me EVER: "Everything is temporary. The good, the bad, it's all temporary."