We have the big toys, (power wheels, kid quads) put together and charged before so they can use it right when they see it. No sense to us in giving a gift they can't use right away....
Assemble a toy and have your child find it ready to play with on Christmas morning OR keep it in the box, wrap it up and have your child assemble it after they open it?
I’m referring to big toys not something that would take less than ½ hr to put together.
We have the big toys, (power wheels, kid quads) put together and charged before so they can use it right when they see it. No sense to us in giving a gift they can't use right away....
Assemble it! You will be so stressed and tired Xmas morning that it will be so much easier to sit back, relax and have a cup of coffee as the kids play. Plus you can get all those annoying little twist ties in the garbage and cardboard boxes... less cleaning for you!!
I wouldn't take all the toys out of the boxes, that is part of the fun... opening them and everything. But for my two year old I am planning on putting together the wooden doll highchair and leaving in unwrapped under the tree. All her other gifts will be wrapped.
Well we leave it as is.... and assemble it after the kids open it.
In that sense... they assemble it with their Daddy... and as a child, putting something together with Daddy... is a holiday memory in itself, and can be special/fun. My Hubby, likes showing our kids "how" to put things together. So, it is an 'experience' too, for them and a bonding thing with Daddy.
My kids, LIKE putting things together with my Hubby/Daddy. AND, my Husband actually likes, doing it as a 'project' with them.
all the best,
For something big like a bike... assemble. For something smaller, wrap and assemble day of.
Oh I leave it all in the box, open and assemble it all one time. It is all part of the excitement. The longer they wait, the more they will appreciate it, lol!
We had a large kitchen set that we put together for our child. How old is the child? If old enough to read then you could wrap a package of m&m's or something and then instructions for them to go downstairs (or wherever) and then it'll be there. So then they have something to open, plus it's ready to play with!
I keep them in the box and have my kids unwrap then we open the toys for them.
BUT what is it? If it is a bike or something they will jump right on then I would assemble it then wrap if I could.
assemble christmas eve if your up to it if not assemble christmas morn.
depends if the gift is from santa. if it's from santa it's assembled. if not, i wrap it in the box :-)
assemble it, put a big bow on it and have it posing next to the tree christmas morning
If it is a 'Santa' gift it gets assembled before hand!
We make all presents from Santa and all big ones we assemble first.
Depends on what it is! We put together a trampoline (the huge kind that goes in the backyard) because it took us, together 3 hours! UGH!! Can you imagine doing that while the kids are bouncing all around?
If it's a bike...probably put it together...I can't think of much else though that would take longer than 1/2 hour to do.
Assemble it ahead of time!
A child will not be able to assemble a toy! Definately assemble it. You can still wrap it, even if it takes a lot of wrapping paper.
assemble it, We don't like to mess with hard to open packaging X-mas morning, so we also loosen all the toys in the package and we put batteries in everything that needs batteries. I like the toys to be ready to play with as soon as they are opened.
Depending on their age, you could assemble it and then wrap it. We have Santa leave about 1/2 the toys out and wrap 1/2 to spread the fun out longer. I don't think any kid would want to wait 1/2 hr to play with a cool, big toy.
We assemble then wrap. And Santa assembles all before delivering to our house.
Assemble it. If you choose you could also wrap it after it's assembled. They make "bike bags".
We got a tricycle for my son, which I plan on putting together for him on Christmas Eve so he can see it right away on Christmas morning. He also got an indoor bouncing trampoline that I'd like to assemble as well. Everything else I plan on wrapping. Those boxes are really big and I don't really feel like wrapping them, haha!
Merry Christmas
If it is a super big toy, then I would put it together beforehand and put it in box for them to open. If not, then I would leave it alone and put it together when they opened the gift.
We got a slide for our son this year and we're going to assemble it the night before and then attempt to "wrap" it (i.e. throw a tent of wrapping paper over it) so he still has the grand "ta da!" moment ;)
bikes, trikes, doll furniture assemble before (they're usually from santa too so no need to wrap). everything else hubby. and he does not enjoy it one bit. takes half a day to put everything together :)
Put it together with a bow, it's exciting for a child to see
your big present all ready to play with. I can still remember
the feeling I had when I was a child and saw my two wheel
bike in front of the christmas tree :)
We assemble the big things in advance. It can be a real bummer to receive a gift but not be able to use it for hours. Also, it can be frustrating assembling large things and why get into a lousy mood on Christmas Day?
Assemble...at least if you mean something like a Santa Claus gift/impact gift on Christmas morning
The big toys are always ready to go. Easy ones that just require some scissors to get out and putting some batteries in stay in the box.