Unfortunatly, it is normal...for about 25% of kids. My first little boy was a bit colicy as well. It will get better around when he is about 3 or 4 months old. I understand your frustration. Those are the same things the Dr. told me to do too. Didnt work for me either ha. Especially the Mylacon drops. Here are a few things that worked for me:
*First, start feeding him about 30 min. earlier than you have been. Dont wait until he asks to be fed. If he is too hungry when he eats, it will cause more gas. If you are still breast feeding, then start feeding him an hour and a half to two hours after you STARTED the previous feeding. Make sure to burp him a couple of times through out the feeding. Be patient, because sometimes thoes little air bubbles are not so easy to get out. Dont settle for a little burp either. Keep going until either you get a big whooshy burp or at least three little ones. It is my opinion from my experience that this is the main cause of gas with little ones next to the obvious eating a bowl of beans before you feed him.
*find music you both like to listen to, and sing along. It is stress relieving for both you and baby. If you are upset he is going to cry. I found it helpfull when I was sitting up at 2am with a crying baby to think of it as I had an energetic child who was upset that he couldnt talk, run, or controll his arms enough to scratch an itch. As crazy as it sounds, it helped me keep my calm. I would talk to him all about it, and he would calm down and fall asleep. Remember he is used to hearing his mommys calm loving voice ALL THE TIME.
*Lay him belly down on a warm towel straight from the drier,
*You can get a vibrating bouncy chair (bless the person who invented that) pretty inexpensive, just about anywhere.
*Swadle him in his blankets, put him in his bouncy chair or carrier, and set him by the drier while it is running. The sound and the vibration will lul him to sleep just like a car ride. Remember, there were a lot of constant sounds in your tummy. He is not used to going to sleep in the quiet of night. Through out his entire existance he has had rythmic sounds to listen to. It might be such an adjustment for him that he finds it difficult to sleep with out it.
Hope this helps.