What Car Seats Will Fit?

Updated on October 18, 2010
A.F. asks from Norfolk, VA
5 answers

I am looking for some Mama's that own a VW Jetta. I need to fit two boosters (can be with no back) and on convertible seat in my car. I know it will be very tight and yes I might have to look for a bigger car but I love my car and I just can't get used to the thought of driving a minivan or suv. So really I am just looking for some moms who could give me an idea on what car seats might fit. Thank you

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answers from Los Angeles on

The Sunshine Radian car seat is one of the more narrow convertibles on the market. People are generally very happy with it and it gets good reviews.

I don't know anything about boosters.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I think you'll find that if you put the convertible in the middle and the boosters on the ends, just about any will fit. Many SUV's don't really have that much more lenght in the back seat anyway. If you put the boosters on the end you can sort of scootch them over to buckle the kids in and then slide it back if your fingers can't quite get to the belt buckle. I would try the graco booster seats they seem to be comfy but also streamlined...

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answers from Minneapolis on

First off, how old are your kids? I wouldn't recommend a booster for a child under age 4, and won't recommend a no back booster for a child under age 6.

Sunshine Kids Radian seats have a low narrow profile, they fit three across perfectly.



answers from Norfolk on

CarSeatData.org will tell you which seats fit into which cars. Most fit info is submitted by parents. Very cool tool!



answers from Norfolk on

read your cars manual. some cars shouldnt have three seats in the back as the big one in the middle may jeopordize the two on the outsides if you were in a side impact crash. in my experience boosters are all the same size. and dont forget that a child 5 and under are best in a 5 point harness because of their age not their size. one idea is to go to babiesrus and ask to try the seats out in your car. they do that there. then you can buy them there or just remember the brands that fit together and get them elsewhere. also once you have two seats together its hard to get your hands to the buckle between the seats to even buckle the kids on the outsides in. might want to try it out first. best to have three seats that are belt positioners in my oppinion.

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