If one shops for there groceries at Trader Joes or a health food stores such as whole foods, there are usually natural juices from real fruit without added sugar or salt (check labels). Regular grocery store have so many unnecessary chemicals, sugar and salt in most if not all there foods. Mom's and dad's don't be fooled and controlled by commercials and media to put messages that the food sold in these store's popular on T.V. are in any way natural food for our bodies. Sure we can eat and drink these products, but they will eventually catch up with us. Real juice is fine for a child, cows milk really shouldn't be substituted for mother's milk (we are not growing to be 1000 lbs. like a calf). If a child is sick, even if intolerant to the mom's milk, one should change there diet for there milk to be tolerated. A mother's milk is the best source for a sick baby or toddler. Ask a dietitian. To much juice could be to much sugar, but it is a good sugar, but again to much isn't good. In addition, try to make smoothies from home, use some of your own fresh fruits or frozen (fresh is best, but when frozen is all you have, than use it :) in your blender. You can even add veggies. Spinach is somewhat of a stingy vegetable, so try to eat this by itself, it stops the absorption of some vitamins and minerals in other foods. Spinach is a super food, so please do not stop eating it. Smooth out your smoothies with banana, taste it with whatever you put in it, if you don't like the flavor, add something more. You can always add to it, but you cannot take away, so if you are not sure about a flavor for your little one, try a little of it first. If you can afford it, try organic. I wish everybody could buy organic or at least see the benefits and pay the difference. My 14 month old and 3 year old suck down my smoothies, veggies and all, as long as I make them tasty of course. I don't use sugar, I use dates, bananas and sweet fruits for the sugar effect. Be careful, these smoothies may make your baby or toddler bounce of the walls (metaphorically speaking of course). Wow, do they, so I only give one a day with some water in there sippy cups and make sure it is not before nap time or bedtime, give them a few hours. Currently, I am attending school to become a Naturalpathic doctor and pediatrician. Naturalpathics treat a person using preventative measures, before one becomes ill. There are not many of us in the States due to all the pharmaceutical (they cover the symptoms, not necessarily treat. Hey, if one get's better, who makes money?) companies working with regular doctors, but that is another story and a regular doctor is still a great source for information, but try to do your own research as well. So Yes, real juice is fine, but a smoothie or mother's milk is best. Oh, be leery of Soy. Good luck momma's & daddy's ;)