My kids are 3 and 4. My oldest just started preschool in September. Until that point bedtime was generally 9:00. My husband wouldn't be home from work until 6 or 6:30. We would eat and then he could have some time with the kids before we started the bedtime routine. On occasion it would be 9:30 or 10:00. I didn't really like putting them to bed that late but sometimes they weren't cooperative, sometimes I was lazy, and sometimes I allowed flexibility for special events. My kids would sleep until around 9-9:30 in the morning. Also, I am a SAHM so I didn't need a rigid schedule. Had I worked, I would have opted for a different kind of schedule. Now they are in bed at 8:00 because I get them up at 8:00 for preschool. Sometimes they get cranky around 7 or 7:30 so on those days I put them to bed at that time. I have always insisted on naptme - even if they don't sleep. I feel they need downtime and the opportunity to sleep. I also need time to myself to relax, clean, etc. So we have naptime from 1:30 until about 3:00.