I had the same thing until I used Gold Bond powder regularly. It's the sweat and lack of air. I agree with the others - you need to wear a bra,
Okay, this is gross & I'm so glad I have the relative anonymity of the web for this question. I've got several unsightly dark red welt-type spot things on the undersides of both of my breasts. Each looks like a cross between a pimple and a bruise. They're about the size of pencil erasers, but some are a bit larger, and they're flat, not raised like a boil or a pimple. Sometimes they will have small white heads & if I pop them, a tiny bit of white comes out, followed by lots if blood. They hurt if squeezed to pop, but otherwise aren't physically bothersome. I am a curvy lady, with large heavy breasts & since I nurse all day I don't usually bother with a bra.
What the heck is going on?!
Thank you, everyone, for your replies. I did come across information about inflammatory breast cancer & what I've got going on doesn't match up with those symptoms...the spots aren't painful, my skin isn't hot & I've got no swelling. I appreciate the info & concern, but I'm sure my issue is a dermatological one. I'll try all of the other suggestions, including strapping the girls into a bra more often. (TF, if you've got naturally perky 34 DDs, you are one lucky lady. ;)) Naturally, a doctor visit is in order if the situation doesn't clear up but I thought I'd ask for some personal experience as well.
I had the same thing until I used Gold Bond powder regularly. It's the sweat and lack of air. I agree with the others - you need to wear a bra,
I know exactly what you're talking about! I get the exact same thing. I too have extremely large breasts. I asked the doctor about them once a long time ago. Unfortunately, I can't remember exactly what he said caused it, but I remember it was harmless and because of the massive amount of breast tissue. I mostly get them in the summer when it's really hot outside because I sweat so much underneath there. One thing that prevents them I've found is deoderant and / or baby powder underneath. I also make extra sure they are dry underneath after a shower. I wish I had perky breasts and didn't deal with this! It does make me feel better that someone else has these same exact things!
I do think the person who suggested finding out more about inflammatory breast cancer made a reasonable suggestion; however, so that you and nobody else panics over the suggestion of possible IBC, I wanted to point out that it is most likely a fungal infection. Call your OB/Gyn or family doctor for more advice. (I also PM'd you.)
You should always wear a bra, even when sleeping or you will suffer from droopy breasts at a much younger age. Especially if you are breast feeding, your breasts are so heavy gravity will not be your friend.
Talk to your doctor. Doesn't sound normal. They have seen everything and will be able to best diagnose you.
Hello M.,
Have it checked out by your doctor.
I hope all is well! ~C.~
It's most likely caused from sweat, friction and a lack of your skin being able to breathe. I occasionally get them there and on my hip bones too. They show up most often in summer. Use a skin clearing cleanser on the area with salicylic acid and make sure you dry underneath very well after showers. Use a light amount of powder to absorb moisture and wear a bra- even a simple cotton one to give you a little more "lift" and support and to keep skin from rubbing on skin, not wearing a bra is destroying your breast tissue! (Motherhood has very affordable nursing bras that go up to large cup sizes and they'll measure you!)
Good morning M.:
This is what I recommend for you to do. First you need to find you a nice 100% cotton nursing bra that lifts you to keep your bosom lifted. Second, you need to get yourself some good old fashioned corn starch to put in the area in question. What those little red welps are caused from is sweat. Without wearing a good cotton bra too much moisture is collecting there and not allowing your skin to breathe. The corn starch should help absorb the excess moisture. If they are real bad I would also recommend putting neosporin on there once a day before you put the corn starch on.
A. C
A little about me:
I work fulltime outside the home and run a wellness biz out of my home in the evenings. Married for 11 1/2 years to the man G-d chose for me.
CALL YOUR DOCTOR FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. The first thing I thought of was a rare form of breat cancer or some type of yeast infection.
Dear M. W,
Hopefully, the spots on your breasts are nothing at all, but please, please, please go see your gynocologist and ask her to check for inflammatory breast cancer. Don't just let her do a mammogram. Be insistent that you get checked for inflammatory breast cancer. Probably it's nothing, but it could be very serious. I hope you will take this seriously.
Deb D
It could be a bug bite, or alergic to some soap or softner in your laundry. But DO check it out with your Dr. , not to scare you, but there is a breast cancer that shows up with blotches on the outside of the breast, so if it could be that, you'd want to catch it right away , so it would be curable.They can cure it.
Hi Sweety, I have the same problem from time to time. It's cause from sweat sort of like a yeast infection. go get some monistat cream of cortizone ointment it should clear up in a few days. If not then go see your doctor but monistat should do the trick.
I just looked it up in my nutritional healing book... could it be mastitis?? Since you're nursing, that's very possible, is it painful? I love that you're a homeschooling mom so I had to look that up for you. I know of a good naturopath doctor in Allen if you're interested. If you want to know what my book says to do to help it, let me know, I just didn't want to type it all up if you weren't interested. But I'd be happy to if you send me a message!
HI M.! Congrats on your baby and nursing! I had six kids and nursed them all. My last one was scratching me when I was nursing him and I had similar things to yours except they didn't get infected and it definitely sounds like yours are. I would definitely go see your doctor right away and get checked. You should also always wear a bra, especially, if you are nursing as the extra milk weight will cause your breasts to sag and you will regret it later. I tried nursing bras and to me they were uncomfortable, unsexy, and hard to handle discretely. I used normal bras that were comfortable and just pulled them up on the side they were to nurse and back down when they finished. It worked great, I felt good, my breasts are still looking good although a bit smaller, and I didn't waste money on bras I was never going to use again. Best wishes and God Bless!
I never bf, and I have perky 34dd's, however, I would never consider going with no bra on a regular basis. YUCK.
(PS...LOL...yes they are natural. Side effect of HRT after hysterectomy which I don't complain about!!!) They popped from a 34C to 34DD while pregnant and never really went away that much, then surgery came along and they keep getting bigger!
When pregnant, I slept in my sports bra. Nowadays, I do sleep without a bra and occasionally I will go on date night wearing my hottie outfit with no bra.
I've always worn a supportive bra for fear of knocking them around with my knees when I get old. I also want to keep myself looking hot for hubby.
Invest in a good supportive bra, you'll probably see improvement. Of course the first action with things like that is to be checked and cleared by your Dr.
speakiing from experience, sounds like skin ulcers. the weight of your breasts, the heat and the friction from not wearing a bra, kind of like when our thighs rub together and get sore. the tiny white heads, are just that, white heads. You need to clean really well, and if you aren't going to wear a bra, use powder, or something to keep the moisture away. Not sure what else to tell you, if you are not going to wear a bra, you need to take extra care with keeping clean and dry, one of the pitfalls of bigger breasts!
I would advise going to your doctor to get checked out for Inflammatory Breast Cancer. http://www.healthcentral.com/breast-cancer/c/9692/42433/i...
It could be a rash, but don't gamble with your health.
It sounds like a fungus amongus. :) Sorry, I know - not funny when it's your boobs. Try the 1.96 atheletes foot cream at wal-mart mixed with monistat (or your favorite vaginal yeast treatment), eat more yogurt (with active cultures), and stay away from bread and sugar - see if it improves.
If it does, then you had a topical yeast infection.
If it doesn't (within 3 days or less), you need to go to the doctor.
I really really really believe that it will.