I agree that some of the options you're giving her are providing her with too much independence and stripping you of some of yours as a mother.
In the case of getting dressed, I think you're doing a good job to give her options and letting her choose, but instead of saying she can get dressed after the cartoon is done, I wouldn't let her watch it until she's gotten dressed.
We have this battle with our 3.5 year old almost every morning. He does not get to watch his morning cartoon until he's gone to the bathroom, gotten dressed and brushed his teeth. No negotiation. He knows it's a treat for doing what is expected of him.
My only other suggestion is to start rewarding her for all the things she's doing really well. If she's particularly cooperative with putting toys away (for example), give her lots of verbal praise for how good she is and perhaps offer a treat (going to the library, going to the park when the weather improves, a sticker, etc).
One thing that our son's current class at daycare does that has really been great for him is a "Tree of Kindness" - that's just what they call it. Basically, they have a laminated tree outside the classroom onto which they put seasonal decorations when they do something really kind to a classmate. If he helps another kid clean-up, he gets a snowflake, etc. He loves seeing it decorated with his name.
Maybe something like that will help her want to be more cooperative. In the end, she needs to learn that you're the parent and her job as a kid is to respect your authority. By being consistent and not giving into her, she'll quickly understand the difference between listening to Mommy and playing with Mommy.
Good luck.