I was in an accident when I was 30 weeks along (That was 3 years ago). we were at a dead stop and teh woman hit us going 45+ miles an hour. I had bad pain in my back and neck, I had to have a MRI on my neck, but due to the baby I couldnt do anything else. I had an ultrasound to make sure that th eplecenta didnt rip anywhere, I also had to spend 12 hours in labor and delivery on labor watch to make sure that my baby was ok.(She didnt move at all for around 3 hours afetr the crash.) Due to the baby the only medication I could take were some tylenol once in a while, and I could go and get a massage once a week. I had my daughter 8 weeks after the accident, but since I have a c-section I still couldnt go to Physical therapy for another 6 weeks. So 14 weeks later of living with back, hip and neck pain to were I coulnd get out of bed with out help, I finaly got to go to PT. I have gone to 2 diffrent Pt's and is still in pain to this day.
I an telling you all this so that you can have a basis of what I went though. The insuracne company wanted to give me $5,000 as my settlement. They were going to pay all my medical bills that came up to $40,000 in all. But my pain a suffering was only worth 5k. So I went and got a lawyer. We asked for $50K. After fighting for almost a year, I was offered the TOP amount of 23K for pain a suffering. So after all was said and done I walked out with 9K in my pocket. The problam that I ran into was that there is no proof that I was in pain.
The advice I can give you is do it alone, DO NOT GET A LAWYER, and ask for a high amount, you wont get it but it gives them more room to play. And to them all it is is a game.