My kids have a double whammy...both my husband and I were night wetters til about 10-12 years old. Our parents never had us using pull ups. We just did a lot of laundry.
Our oldest stopped wetting when he was 11.
Our daughter is 10 and still wets at night.
Our youngest just turned 7 and still wets at night.
They all potty trained by 2 years old with no day time issues.
Night time wetting is entirely different...there is no conscious choice to use the toilet. It is merely left up to the brain to trigger you to wake up. There is a hormone that increases to tell the brain that the bladder is full. The doctors have said that it takes some time for the body to create enough of that hormone...and in my kids' cases...a LOOOONG time.
Other factors against my kids are deep sleepers. They were sleeping through the night by 8 weeks old and we trained them to sleep through all kinds of noises. They are also very tall for their age...all close to 100% percentile. We are tall people.
Soooo, with all that against them..they don't wake up through the night easily no matter if we restrict drinking,wake them up through the night, keep the pull ups off or use a sticker chart. They don't wake up!
The doctors have told us that we need to not worry about this. It will all happen when their body is ready. Sure enough by age 11 our son started waking up on his own. Halelujah!!! He is 13 now.
Our daughter attended a school sleep away camp this past June. She took her pull ups with her and was able to discretely take care of business.
Soooo, just be patient. It will all happen when your child's body matures. Talk to your pediatrician...that helped us to better understand this issue and that is wasn't laziness. You don't have to use pull ups. As my kids get older...I teach them to do their own laundry. It makes them feel more power over this powerless issue.
Good luck and best wishes!!