As a single Mom who receives child support - I must say that one month's check does not cover even school clothing much less Band fees, competitions, sporting events, extra-curricular activities. Kids get more expensive as they get older. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect it to cover Sunday movies, and goofy golf, but it sure would be nice if it would actually cover some of the basics.
Yes, I could take my Ex back to court to have the 12 year old support plan re-visited. But, now that my son is 15, he has asked me not to because we both know if I do his Father will take it out on him and reduce what little time he sees him back to nothing. Also, right now, my Ex is telling my son that he will get him a vehicle next year and since that is no where in my budget, I hope it works out for my son.
J., I think the fact that you put your children's needs first is wonderful. And give your wife a hug for also putting them first. Unfortunately, I think her Ex is more the norm than you - sure wish more Dads were like you.
Good Luck
God Bless