Westside Indy Mom Seeking Gynecologist.

Updated on September 01, 2006
K.M. asks from Indianapolis, IN
5 answers

I live near Clermont and Brownsburg. My gynecologist transferred out and I am looking for a new one. I was kind of thinking about a woman doctor this time. Anyone have a doc they could recommend near my area?

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So What Happened?

Thank you so much for all the responses. I called and have an appointment with Dr. Julie Lund October 4, 2006. Thank you all again. I love this group, it is so helpful.

More Answers



answers from Indianapolis on

Zionsville ObGYN is awesome. I love both the doctors there. There is a new doctor but I haven't met her yet. ###-###-####. It's a bit of a drive but they are worth it.



answers from Indianapolis on

Patricia Johnson, she is with Clarion, her office is on 38th street behind the cracker barrel and Mcdonalds.
She is fabulous, can't think of her number but she should be listed.



answers from Indianapolis on

Eagle Creek Ob-Gyn
6820 Parkdale Place
Indianapolis, IN

I used to see Dr. Robinson. The office is great, not too far away and they are all very friendly.
It looks as though most of the other responses are saying the same thing!



answers from Indianapolis on

I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Julie Lund. She is with Eagle Creek OB & their office is in Eagle Highlands. (38th & 465 area)I have friends who go to other doctors in the practice, as well, and they are all good doctors.



answers from Indianapolis on

My friend, Bridget Hurry, is an OBGYN. She works out of an office on the westside and northside.
I can't express how great she is. I'm certain you would love to have her as your doctor.

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