well, my dad embarassed me by putting a sign on my door saying "you're a woman now." I dont recommend it. :-)
My 13 yr old niece just got her period.....I would like to "welcome" her into womanhood with doing something special or a special gift.......i would like this to be a tradition for the future woman in our family......so if anyone has any ideas or traditions of their own please share them with me....Thank you
Thanks fellow mammas.
well, my dad embarassed me by putting a sign on my door saying "you're a woman now." I dont recommend it. :-)
If you think she would like something, your thought is very nice. How close are you to her? I think it is a fine line with some girls about this.
My daughter would have just died from humiliation if I told anyone..... I was the same way. We kept it very private at our house.
Just a thought....
My father gave me roses and told me he wanted to be the first man to give me roses since I was now a young lady. It might be nice to give her a special piece of jewelry, or have the women in the famly contribute their best pieces of advice to a scrapbook for her. Even better - have them write them on fabric squares and make a quilt.
I think it's a sweet thought to give your niece a present for this stage in her life. I guess it would depend on your relationship with her. This was a hard and very embarrassing time for me. It was bad enough giving up my little girl undershirts for a training bra (which I wanted nothing to do with), but this stage was just something I didn't want to share or celebrate with anyone. I wanted to be a kid forever and cringed when someone said it was a part of "womenhood".
Wow, some really uneducated responses on here! I think it is a great idea. My mom used to give us a rose and a rosebud when we had 'the talk'. While I didn't love the experience I thought the roses were pretty.
I have heard that in some African tribes they have a big celebration when a girl becomes a woman - an all out, whole village party. After all, she is now endowed with the power to create life, not something we should be talking about so crudely at all!
after reading others' responses, I can see both sides (being mortified and being grateful for a sweet gift). I like the idea of getting her ears pierced and getting some chocolate.
If you're real close you could get her a cute gift basket or 'care package' including 1.the new cute "UKOTEX" pads/tampons/liners (they're hot pink and lime green, in a slick black box), 2. Midol, 3. Chocolate, 4. New earrings or jewelrey, 5. a little makeupbag for her purse that she can put a couple pads/tampons in 6. A new purse! (I didn't start even carrying a purse till I started my period). Get her a very stylish one that she picks out. 7. Money - to put in the purse, cause all kids want spending money.
I think that this is a great and very important day to recognize. While my daughter is still young, I haven't done this myself but you could always buy your niece some flowers or perfume to mark the occasion. Oh, and don't forget to add some chocolate...she will need that. :) Some other ideas would be to get a group of women together to all go out for a pedicure and maybe some coffee for some good old fashioned girl talk. Whatever you do, I think it's great that you are doing something. Go you!
Very sweet. I think you can take anything that some people might find cringe-worthy and instead make it a celebration. Duh - Of course menstruation doesn't automatically make her a grown up woman but it is definitely not something to be embarrassed about either.
Establish the Ladies Lunch Club and tell your niece she is an official member now. Each member picks where they'd like to go for lunch or dessert. It is an excuse to wear something girly, to do a little window shopping, etc. Each member brings some awesome tidbit of gossip or something new they learned or a new recipe, etc. Something to share just-between-the-girls.
Maybe it is not something you can do "monthly" but maybe synch it up with some other event (ie birthdays, first day of summer, whatever). Better to try to establish a connection with her now so hopefully she weathers her teen-girl-angst-years a bit better.
My mom has been going to "Club" for for 50 years! Though they only have 1 "mother" left in the group and they are let the husbands attend in recent years. = )
I have to admit, I have never ever heard of anything like this, but it is a good idea. I do agree with a previous poster that it may be something that she rather NOT celebrate. However, my thoughts are perhaps give her something that she was previously "not old enough" to have. Make this transition allow her to now be eligible to have, do or go somewhere that she was previously prohibited. On the gifting side perhaps a small collection of make up, heating pad, soft music with a good book, eye mask, or just a basket of all the feminine essentials she might need.
Why don't you invite her for a spa day? It would just be the two of you and it's kind of an adult thing to do...
Good luck!
I was thinking about this myself the other day. My daughter is only 3 but I realized how fast she is growing and started to think about when I became a woman. My Mother wasnt very nice or supporitve. I think her own emotions of her only child growing up got in the way.
I know that I physicaly felt awful! Maybe a nice care package of all the GOODIES you need ! Comphy slippers and a nice robe maybe a thermal heating pack for tummy or back. CHOCOLATE as Nicole D said :) and a journal or a Dvd or book a DS game? I think little things to let her know that you care will be really nice.
I would have welcomed this from my fam but really got nothing but "oh thats why shes moody" I still hate it when men refer to women this way :(
Are her ears pierced? That might be a good idea?
It depnds on how close you are with her. I remember being 13 and getting my period and would have been humiliated if anyone in my family...including my mom, would have given me a gift to celebrate this "gift". I would be surprised if she didn't feel the same way