We have one and we love it. Both my husband and I have mounting bars on our bikes so we can take our son out. Once baby #2 gets big enough (next summer) we'll get a second one.
Balance on the bike is great - much better than a rear-mounted seat. It's cheap - much much much cheaper than a $400 trailer. Plus, our son can see everything. He likes to "steer" the bike.
If you're very short you may have trouble getting on/off your bike because there isn't that much space between the seat and the handlebars once you put the WeeRide in the middle. If this is the case you might want to look at the iBert seat too. It's similar (front-mounted) but goes on your handlebar stem instead of between the seat and the handlebars. We opted against the iBert because the weight limit was less and it just didn't seem as sturdy, but I think they're probably both good seats.