To H.'s defense, I know there is an issue with posting questions. I think she reposted several times thinking her post was going through.
Here's my dilemma... I'm looking to make my boys day a special one... he's turning FIVE, and its a very big deal to him...we're havng a party for him and his 'non-school' friends (30 of them) at a 'gym' place, however, his real bday falls on a thursday, so we wanted to do something special... but WHAT??? i was thinking of inviting the boys from his class and may be going bowling, but again, it would be thursday afternoon... we live in a condo, so to invite 7,8 five year olds over, can you say DISSASTER ??? there's really not enough space... no back yard... what should i do? i'll make cake, have family come over, order a pizza, but thats just so boring, i guess... i really want to make his day fun!!!! any suggestions??? oh, and BtW, i thought of the firehouse, to take him and his freinds there after school, but someone else is doing that the following weekend, i dont want to steel their thunder... lol... HELP ME!!!! i just want my kid to enjoy his day!!!!
For those of you with POSitiVE feedback, THANK YOU!!! For those of you who were ANNOYED with my three posts, obviously i have better things to do then repost things one after another... OBVIOUSLY, there's a problem with the site, and obviously, if it bothers you people soooo much,, DONT READ IT!!!! and as of the ones who decided that by me making once a year special for my five year old SPOILING, take a look at yourselves and look up what spoiled means... ONCE A YEAR IS NOT SPOILING, its making your child feel special on the day of his bday, just like YOU probably would want to feel special on YOUR bday!!!! and as your mother's should've tought you, if you dont have something nice to say, DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!! GOOD DAY!!!
To H.'s defense, I know there is an issue with posting questions. I think she reposted several times thinking her post was going through.
why have you asked this question 3 times???
Sounds like you are majorly over thinking this and stressing out. Just do his birthday gym party and then on his actual Thursday birthday do a small family thing with a little cake if you want, you can rent his favorite movie and make popcorn, do a fun little craft. Most parents won't want to bring their kid over for a big gym birthday party, then a small family party all in one week. Plus, you are sending an entertainer to his preschool too, according to another post correct... you don't want to overwhelm (or spoil) the poor guy or turn a fun event into a stressful one. It's great you are so enthused and want to make his day special, but you don't have to go all out all the time.
... just so you know, 3 posts in a row on the same topic is considered spam and could be deleted since it clogs up the boards and is frankly, annoying.
and UPDATE! thanks for chiming in everyone about the technical posting issues. I take back what I said above about the spamming :)
It's not her fault, they are having technical issues. Anyone that posts its not showing up right now. And if you look this was posted 10 hours ago...and just now coming through.
I am going to post a nice response to this question since other people seem to think that doing everything you can to make your kids birthday extremely fun is "spoiling him". PLEASE.
As another poster said, he won't remember much. So how is that spoiling him if he won't remember much and it only happens once a year? What kind of parent doesn't want to spoil their kid at least once a year. Thats why we have kids... To enjoy them... and if "spoiling him" makes you happy, I say do it. Better than doing the opposite and not caring at all about his birthday. There's only a few days a year when we can really go all out for our kids and why not the most special day of all.. the day they were born. That's the day when you got the best present of your life, so why shouldn't you try to give him the best present of his?
I say, don't worry about a second party. There won't be enough time for that. But you can make him feel really special by asking his teacher if you can bring birthday cupcakes to his classroom for their lunchtime and bring it a huge bunch of birthday balloons for him as well. He would really enjoy that!! and maybe even make some birthday party favors for all his classmates too. That would keep them from being jealous and make his birthday fun for everyone!!
I hope this helps. Sorry about all the other mean posters! I always appreciate advice from other parents but I believe that you always need to remember what is ultimately right for you as a parent. Consider the advice, but take it grain of salt, and use your knowledge to decide the right course of action for you. Even if everyone else doesn't agree with you. ;)
Good luck!
Please stop posting this question... it's your son's 5th birthday. Honestly, you are throwing a huge party already. Just make his favorite dinner the night of his birthday and invite your immediate family over. Why is this such a big deal to you??
You don't need to have 75 people celebrate his birthday. He's too young to enjoy it and honestly, he won't remember it well enough to be worth the stress you are putting into this.
You're having his "fun" party with his friends on the weekend. His "real" weekday bday should be with the family. Let him pick what/where he wants to eat, have a cake, open presents from the family and that's it. Its a school night anyway. I would not allow my kids to go to a weekday bday party, there just isn't time and they would be all wound up from it. You are doing way too much and starting a "bad" habit that will be hard to break the older he gets. I have 3 kids and they get to pick what they do with their friends on the weekend and then we have our family party on their actual bday. Good luck.
A family party with pizza is boring? How very sad that spending time with his family wouldn't be enjoyable for him. We have always done a friend party and then on the actual day spent it with family cooking a favorite meal or going to a favorite restaurant.
I wouldn't want to have to deal with the gifts from a 30-kid party let alone another 8 from yet another party. I'm with the other moms who think this is going a little overboard.
We do a birthday with the family on their actual birthday. Well, we normally go OUT to dinner on the actual birthday wherever the kids pick. Then we do a dinner at home with my family (my husbands family lives far away). Then we do their birhday party. I don't like to give family gifts at parties, i dont know why, it's just me. So I'd do the regular party you are planning and maybe have him bring things to school and be good with that :). Happy birhday to your little one!