My daughter threw the bottle away at 10 months and my son at 11 months. I still gave the bottle, but I also gave them cheerios and things like that during the day. When I gave the cheerios, I also gave them a sippee cup that was small and without the stoppers. They could eat the cheerios or food and practice with the sippee cup. My daughter just got to where she threw the bottle because she liked the sippee cup more, so then I went to providing meals with a sippee cup and she wanted it and not the bottle. My son was like that too. They made up their own minds to do away with the bottle. When they started taking less bottles, then I would mix up a little formula and real milk with meals and let them try that, but also gave them water and juice with snacks. It just got to where when I gave them the bottle they took one drink and didn't like it and threw it. It was easy and worked for both of them. So, I would suggest not doing away completely with the bottle right now, just start encouraging the sippee cups without the stoppers and even try some juice in it. Just remember when you are doing away with the bottles, offer a snack when they would normally take a bottle(a little earlier, so you don't have to deal with the fussiness). They are just wanting something on their tummies. I hope this helps. This worked for me! Good Luck!