I continued the pm breastfeeding long after all the rest were gone. It was more of a comfort thing for my daughter, but I kept it up until she was about 18 months. I agree with Margaret about redirecting her in the morning. If you are willing to continue the pm (I presume it's before bedtime), just tell her you only nurse when it's "night night" time. When I started thinking about taking out the bedtime nursing, I took a sippy cup with us for our bedtime routine -- read books, rock in the rocking chair and sing lullabies. My daughter held on to the sippy cup even while I nursed. I also told her that pretty soon we would not nurse any more and she would just have her cup to drink from. After our "new routine" was established (about a week), I just held her in the same position as nursing but had her drink from her cup. My daughter did OK with the gradual change. I have had several friends tell me they just told their daughters the milk was "all gone". With my second daughter, I got really sick when I was long past the time I wanted to stop nursing. I told her when I was sick she couldn't nurse because mommy was sick, and she cuddled with daddy instead. I was "sick" for a long time, and when I was better I told her there was no more milk. She cried for a few nights and went to daddy for comfort, but I stuck to my decision and she survived and started going to sleep without the nursing part of the routine. I also want to give you kudos for nursing this long. Good luck!