Many schools have open houses within a week of the first day of school. This is a time that families can come to check out the school, classroom, teacher and other students before school starts. If your daughters' school doesn't have one, call the office and ask for a tour.
If you have moved to a new area, take some time to have family dates and explore the new town. You can get on the web and find museums, parks, pools, bowling alleys, ice cream parlors, zoos and anything else your girls would like within driving distance.
You can also use meal time or bedtime to talk about the move and how everyone is doing. If your daughters complain, don't get on the defensive and explain why you moved. Just listen and empathize. Chances are, when they know that you understand their feelings they will be more accepting of the new environment.
You can also meet the neighbors with a plate of cookies or just a knock on the door. If you meet some you feel comfortable with, have their kids over to play or meet at the playground. If your complex has a pool, it is a great way to meet kids that will go to your daughters' school.
Best of luck,