Both of my daughters were tongue tied. With my first daughter we didn't realize it until she was 2, and with my second we discovered it right after birth. For the baby we had hers clipped right there in the office and it was fine. For my older daughter we were going to have to wait until she had gotten quite a bit older to do the same thing. She ended up needing her tonsils out when she was 2 1/2 so they snipped it while she was under. Unfortunately hers didn't work. It grew back. She talks fine and always has, but she can't stick her tongue out very far at all. I mean she can't lick an ice cream cone, she can't hardly get her tongue out past her lips. Kind of hard for her sometimes to deal with, but she speaks so fine I hate to even do it again. Hers is a rare case of it growing back-she is just a quick healer I guess. There weren't any side effects from the actual frenulectomy. Good Luck!