I am probably the pro of waxing. I have tried every kind of wax on the market, have had all types of styles done in many different places (I traveled to Brazil and had it done there too. They are by far the best-hands down)
My suggestions.
A week is perfect. There are some things you need to know.
*It will be more painful if you have it done while you are on your period or within days of being on your period. (Usually all places will ask you if you are on it- I have yet to go to one here in the states that hasn't asked.) Your skin will be more sensitive and leave you with more red bumps (they will go away within a day though.) I see you are expecting in January-so does not pertain to you. Congrats on that!
*You should have not shaved for about 6 weeks to get the right hair length for waxing.
*For your legs, be prepared to not have the smooth results you get after shaving.
*Like I said earlier -You will have red little spots form all over your legs after being waxed. It will depend on how sensitive your skin is and what after product they put on for the duration of the bumps (could be 24hrs); this is a good reason to have it done a week before. *Also after having it done NO sunbathing for at least 2 days, and NO shower /bath for 24 hrs.
* You mentioned camping and lake fun. If you did it any closer to the date bug sprays, and sun are not a wise idea after you wax. So stick with the week.
*Your legs may take awhile to get done, especially being your first time. (Plan accordingly)
*The more you get waxed the longer your hair will stay at bay. So the first time your hair will grow back faster than the second time..and so on. It won't grow back as full on your legs, unless you do nothing for 6 months or so.
I hope I helped.
If you have any other questions regarding waxing, I am sure I could help.
* Have a wonderful time at the wedding