With my first born, my water broke at approximately 3 am and he was born at 3:06 pm. I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my second. May you have an easy delivery! Good luck!
Hi ladies,
You all have been so suportive. I think my water broke this morning unless i have been peeing all over myself. So hopefully i will have my sweet baby boy soon. I am actually excited. How long after your water broke did you have your baby?
With my first born, my water broke at approximately 3 am and he was born at 3:06 pm. I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my second. May you have an easy delivery! Good luck!
With my first my water had slowly been leaking and we didn't know until I went into active labor at 4 am, he was born at 6 am, 6 1/2 weeks early. With my second my water broke around 3 (I think) and she was born at 4:30.
Congratulations and I wish you a fast easy delivery : )
With my 1st, my water broke at noon and I had him at 6pm that evening. With number two, my water never broke, my baby dropped so fast that my bag of water was pushed behind my baby and it came out intact after my baby was born.
With my son, my water broke at 5am and he was born at 5:58pm.
With my daughter, they broke my water and she was born 7 hours later but I'd been in pretty active labor until they did that.
Take a deep breath, contact your doctor's office, let them know.
They will need to check you for sure.
This is SO exciting.
Please be sure to let us know when the baby arrives!!!
CONGRATS! Best wishes! I knew your baby would be here before mine! I am still sitting here at work -- big prego belly at 39 weeks, 1 day!
with my second one 3 hours after my water broke she was born. my 1st and 3rd were inductions but the first was 5 hours after water break and 3 ended in a csection. good luck!!! congrats
you need to call your dr ASAP.
YAY! I hope it's the nicest easiest delivery in recorded history! Can't wait to hear about that baby!!
(Can't answer your question, tehehe, honestly don't really remember how long!)
It was between 5 and 6 hours. My water broke on it's own after about a 1/2 hr of contractions. I went into the hospital soon after since I was GBS+, but I never even got the antibiotics because my labor progressed too fast. I sat in triage for about 3 hours before they finally admitted me, and by that time I was ready to push! Good luck, hope you don't have to wait too long!
12 hours and 4 hours, respectively. Congratulations :)
Congratulations! So exciting. I can't wait to for this to happen. I'm 36 weeks now and getting anxious.
With my 1st he decided to take his time and come 18 hours after my water broke. He's been my slow poke ever since ;)
If you havn't already, call your doc. Mine wanted me to come in after it broke so they could monitor me. I had my daughter about 20 hours after it initially broke, but I wasn't in active labor when it did. If you're experiencing contractions as well, it could be much sooner.
Congrats mama, keep us updated :)
I had her 2 hours after my water broke.
Congrats!! I hope you have a safe and healthy delivery.
WOW, How exciting that we all can share this with you!! My water broke with my first at 10:10pm and he was born at 12:55pm. So,just over 2 hours. With my 2nd, my water broke at home at 4:50am, and we headed to the hospital and she was born at 5:25am, less than 45 minutes. Barely made it there..I hope youre already holding your precious baby and taking tons of pictures. (o:
Mine never broke...but good luck!! Oh happy day for you mamas!! Friday the 13th is a fun birthday!!! Will be praying for you!!!
My mom had me 30 minutes after her water broke. She had just enough time to get to the hospital and my dad couldnt even sign her in. He had to go straight to the delivery room.
With my daughter i went to the hospital at 11pm because my mucous plug came out and my water broke on its own at 8am and then 11:52am my daughter was here. Im now pregnant with our 2nd and im so excited and cant wait im 22 weeks. Good luck and Congrats on that baby boy:)
With my daughter, 6hrs.
With my son, 12hrs.
Yes, daughter was 1st and I was further along with my son, but he decided to roll 'sunny side up'.
Good luck and congrats!!!
Congrats and Good Luck! Keep us posted!!
Sweet Baby Boy get here safely!
Had to get that question in, haha.
YAY!!!!! Good luck, hope all goes well. We are praying here and hope to here from you soon. Congratulations.
I was induced three times. After the first one it took about 27 hours, number 2 took 8 hours and number three took 40 minutes.
I haven't had my water break yet, I'm only on my first..but CONGRATS to you!!! Good luck!!
Congrats! Hope you're at the hospital by now! With my first my water broke at 9:45 a.m. and he was born at 11:15 a.m., my second water broke at midnight and she came at 9:15 a.m., with my third my water broke at around 11 p.m. and she came at 1:15 a.m.
I was in labor for 4 hours after they broke my water! Exciting! Good luck!
Just make sure your Dr. or midwife know. I think they like you delivered with in 24 hours to avoid infection. I had planed a home birth and my water broke. labor never started! I really wanted to avoid pitocin and the hospital, but after 36 hours I was done. finally went to the hospital and was induced. I now wish I hadn't waited so long. My baby was born totally exhausted (because I had tried for so many hours to get my labor going "naturally") and with extremely low blood sugar, and miconium (sp?). It took her a while to get her blood sugar stabilized to where I could take her home. we had to stay an extra day. My daughter was born a 2 hours after the pitocin. good luck!! it is so exciting!
YEAHHHHHH!!! Remember to have pleanty of socks in your bag and a hair brush!
Mine did not get a chance to break, planned c-section, too big of a health risk for me to give birth vaginally.
My water never broke on it's own. The doctors broke it when it was bulging during heavy labor....which sped things up. So, two hours?
YAY! Congrats! We cant wait to hear about him!!!
I had my baby 6 hours after my water broke at home and it was my first. Congrats you can do it!
Congrats on the new baby so soon.
Here is to wishing you a new baby celebration soon!
I never experienced the water breaking with any of mine so I could not help you with this one.
My water didn't break until I after I had been in active labor for many hours, so my son arrived one hour later. That was 2.5 weeks ago now. Best wishes for a safe delivery, healthy baby and quick recovery.
With my first, it was about 7 hours. With my second, it was during the delivery.
Good luck and congratulations!!
I had mine forcefully taken (cesarean) less than 24 hours later - I exceeded my allotment time after waters breaking per hospital policy.
IF you aren't having contractions... walk walk walk and give yourself nipple stimulation by rubbing, pinching kneading and pumping your nipples (ask for a hospital pump).
I an wishing you lots of luck and many well wishes and congratulations!!
Congratulations!! I just know everything well go well with you. With both of my children my water had to be broken for me. In labor 4 hrs for the first child and 6 hrs for the second one. Everyone is different! You will be fine. :)
I think the rule is that you have to have the baby within 24 hrs of the water breaking.
almost exactly 12 hours later