Hi, I guess there isn't anything different I can offer you than whats already been offered, so I guess the only thing I can tell you is just to be patient. Take your time and try not to rush it because that won't help you conceive. Me and my husband tried for two years to have a baby. I went to the doctors and even set up a appoint to talk about taking fertility drugs to help us conceive. I had regular paps, and even had my thyroid tested and everything came back normal. I would even go two or three months at a time without getting a period and every time I would take a pregnancy test it always came bace negitive so I eventually gave up on trying to conceive. I was even told that I had to have my tonsils removed and I was told not to get pregnant well about two weeks before I was going to have my tonsils removed I started feeling sick so at next doctors appointment a week before my surgery they had me take a pegnancy test and it came back negitive, a week later I had my sergury. Then about a week and a half after that I went back to my Gyno for a yeast infection that I thought was from the meds I was on and its turn out that I was pregnant. So I guess it may just take someone telling you not to get pregnant to maybe help you conceive, or maybe just let things flow, and see where that gets you and just be happy with the fact that you have one healhy baby and know that you can have kids because there are some people out there who have to live with the fact that they can never have kids. But the only thing I can really suggest is that if you feel strongly that there is something wrong with you or your husband push the doctors into checking it out and don't let them stop at "your normal" because I believe that you will know when something is wrong. So if the doctors are saying that everything looks fine and you feel that everything is fine then you probably are fine. But just be patient because I believe that it will happen for you it may just take a little bit of time for your body to get back to normal, and I think that you will conceive when you least expect it. I actually beleieve that every woman goes through this at least once her life. I had to go through it twice. It took us two years for the first and five months for the second, then again I have never been on the birth control pill either but I have even been told that it can take up to a year for your body to get back to normal after getting off the pill, so I would wait for a year and if you haven't conceived yet then go back to the doctor and discuss your options then. And please don't let this response scare you I didn't mean for it to be like that I just want you to follow what your heart is telling you.