Wait a minute. For prolapse, you can see an acupuncturist. There is also a device you can wear, called a vaginal pessary, which is perfectly comfortable for most women and you don't even know it's there. You can ask the acupuncturist or a physical therapist.
If your doctor says that your prolapse is too severe for a pessary to help with, then acupuncture can improve the prolapse to the point that a pessary would take care of the rest.
Acupuncture might help with your bladder prolapse, too, and will certainly help with what I am guessing is a hormone issue that is causing problems with your ovaries (cysts, is that right?). If you are suffering from cysts, you might have a hormonal imbalance. I was suffering from a hormonal imbalance that was causing severe palpitations. One session with the acupuncturist was all it took to give me complete relief. You might also want to see a naturpath or an herbalist to learn what is causing your imbalance (I know what caused mine). It's usually too much plastic in your life: plastic food storage/Lean Cuisine and other frozen dinners microwaved in plastic; household cleaners, especially bleach products, and using bleached tampons and pads, bleached coffee filters, and styrofoam. Get these out of your life, and you will feel so much better all-around.
Having a hysterectomy causes so many problems afterwards, and there's nothing you can do about it - it's final. I know you know this, but I hope you will reflect on what that might mean for you, either soon after surgery or years down the road. The problems that result from having a hysterectomy can be worse than the ones that led you to have this invasive surgery; meanwhile, you can use other approaches that are easier on the budget and easier on your body, and they're as effective or almost, without the savageness of strangers taking an organ out of you. So I hope you'll consider trying these other methods first. With acupuncture, you will probably see improvement well before the 29th. You can try the pessary, and you might find that you can cancel that surgery on the 29th. Call and make an appointment with an acupuncturist in your area today! If you need help finding acupuncturists (or naturpaths or herbalists), tell me what town/city and state you live in and, if it's a smaller town, tell me what larger towns and cities are nearby, and I can help you search.
Oh, and don't be scared of the acupuncture needles. They're nothing compared with even a single minute of post-op. Usually you don't even feel them go in. Sometimes you'll feel just the tiniest prick. But the needles are so tiny that they don't hurt. If you're afraid of needles, you can ask for acupressure instead.