I'd say... since he presented you with a logical argument... to look at THAT.
- pregnancy and birth costs
- 1st year food costs (formula?)
- doubling diaper costs
- bedroom / where would the 3rd sleep / can you continue living where you're living
- transportation costs = can you fit 3 carseats in your car?
- preschool costs
- school costs
- sports & activites costs
- returning to work at K or 1st? (puts that off for 2-3 more years, if you're planning on going back -or he thinks you are- when the youngest is in school
- vacation costs (5th plane ticket, larger hotel room/extra charges/ etc.)
- christmas and birthday costs (or how do you change what you already do?
- college costs
Siince it's a logical argument, instead of an emotional one... you can work with that. Either get to a place where you agree... or get to a place where you can counter logically as well.. until the 2 of you can agree.
To know, however, he may just be grieving. Many people (esp dad's) are *terrified* of losing another, and no one can guarantee it won't happen. If he's grieving then logical countering won't work.