We designed our co-parenting schedule and put it in writing with our Mediator. This got included in our divorce decree approved by the court. We have 50/50 time with an exchange every two to three days.
My schedule with my daughter looks like this:
Week 1 - Sun, Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat
Week 2 - Tues, Wed
On school days, our daughter takes the bus to Dad's house after school, and on my days I pick her up there, or if she has a karate lesson then Dad brings here there and I pick her up there, or if it's easier for him to drop her off at my house, then he does... Because my ex and I can and do actually talk frequently and can agree to changes needed based on our work/school/volunteer obligations, we've not had any problems with our co-parenting arrangement.
No matter what you have in writing, stamped by what court, the best thing you can do is actually agree to work together as co-parents of your children.