I work from home while I'm home with my 8 month old because daycare is so expensive. Since my husband and I agreed upon this, I was very worried about being at the computer and on the phone while my son was in the swing, etc. So I bought the Graco video monitor. Although it was $200, it was a very good buy. There are a few minor flaws with it, for instance even when the sound is turned down all the way, it is still extremely loud, which is a big annoyance to my husband who has to be to work early, because i get up in the middle of the night when our son wakes up. Also, there is a slight delay because it works off of a satellite. The last thing is you have to manually point the camera in the right direction (which wasn't really a surprise). But other than that, I love that I can see my son (even at night because of the infrared). I do highly recommend this if you want to watch your little one! I'm always worried that he'll stop breathing, get his head/hand/foot stuck in something, etc. So this just helps calm my nerves!