You don't HAVE to rock a baby til your arms fall off. And you don't have to use vibration either. What you need to do is swaddle her and lay her down after she is fed, when she is groggily full and sleepy, but NOT YET asleep. Do it from the start! Don't set the precedent with her by rocking her. She will get used to falling asleep without you doing all the work. It's called self-soothing.
Babies sometimes need to fuss some to fall asleep, and it's okay for you to allow that. If she does that, you can pat her back a little. When you get her up in the middle of the night to nurse or give her a bottle, keep a pad underneath her that will stay warm while you feed her, and lay the pad down under her in the crib. That way the mattress isn't cold to shock her when you put her back down.
I don't know if you plan to work outside of the home and have her in daycare, but if you do, they cannot and will not rock her to sleep all the time. They will lay her down in the crib as they do all the other infants. Don't make their jobs harder by taking the ability of your baby to self-soothe away from her.