Could be iron. Our bodies can only absorb so much and the rest of it we get rid of. Oh, and yes, i have seen this.
My 20 month old son had a VERY dark browinsh-greenish-blackish bowel movement (almost the color of potting soil-no, he didn't get into any, I checked). He has 2 cups of milk a day, fruit juice, water, and eats regular table food with the rest of the family. Does anybody know if this is normal, or had a similar experience?
everything back to normal today, so i'll assume it was something he ate.. maybe too much iron in dinner the night before. Thank you all for your insight =)
Could be iron. Our bodies can only absorb so much and the rest of it we get rid of. Oh, and yes, i have seen this.
I was also going to say iron. That's what color mine look like when I'm being a good girl and taking my iron supplements :-)
If he seems otherwise healthy I honestly wouldn't bat an eye. If you're still nervous, just give your ped a call. The nurse will ask all the right questions to help you make sure that's all it is.
I think he's fine!
I know you already got answers and everything is back to normal but I just wanted to add: lots of things affect the color of poop that people don't always realize. Dark icing (food coloring) such as red, green or blue will make it dark; as will Pepto Bismol and spinach.
Glad all is ok!!!
We just went through this. Doctor said it was probably blueberries he was wasting. He said to bring him in if it last more then a week.