You should ovulate this month, but you might be a little later than your normal time. Your body's hormones are still regulating and getting back to normal. I had a very early miscarriage like you, and I only knew it was happening because I had done IVF so they were measuring my beta hcg every other day for a week. I was getting positives on tests, but the hcg levels were not rising appropriately, signaling a miscarriage was coming. I was also about 4-5 weeks along. After my period, which felt like an extension of the bleeding I had had while pregnant, I didn't feel pregnant, but it took a whole other cycle just to feel back on my normal schedule. You might want to wait out this month, not because you physically would be in danger if you conceived, but just to get your monthly rhythms back to normal. You shouldn't need a D&C with it being that early, but if you have pain or something just doesn't feel right, call your OB, because the only way to accurately assess if there is any hcg left in your system is through a blood test.