I had a successful VBAC 16 months ago. My daughter was breech so she was a scheduled C at the time. I delivered at Lutheran General, and overall they do not have many VBAC's. My OB was OK with my VBAC, although she cautioned me several times b/c the baby was measuring on the large side, and she made me aware of the risks, etc. I had also read up on VBAC and was confident, although I told my OB to let me know when/if she thought it unwise at any point. I didn't have any labor with my daughter, as she was frank breech and we did the C one week before my due date. I think that generally, it's best to wait 18 mos or more before getting pg again in order to have the most success with the VBAC, and your kids will be rather close together. If your previous C was due to any sort of complications or issues during the delivery, they generally caution against the VBAC in many cases. Either way, I hope that you are able to have a delivery that meets your expectations, whatever you and your OB decide.