Hi D.-I have read the responses and I would like to provide some insight here. First I am a naturalist and have been for 7 years. My children do not get vaccines or do over the counter or prescription medications. This is an area I consider to be very well versed in.
When we moved here, I was surprised to find out that I had to have a medical excuse or a religious waiver for my children. I chose the religious waiver because I had not found a holistic doctor and it was too close to the school year. It is very easy to do--go to a google search and type in vaccination waiver letter and a few sites will pop up you can insert the name. Once long ago vaccines were needed under certain circumstances for disease, water borne illnesses, sanitation issues but now that the immune system is more understood it makes no sense to inject a live or a dead form of a virus or bacteria into anyone. It compromises the immune system.
Further, every single vaccine that is out there is made for a 220 lb. person, not a child. There is a reason why the Federal Government and the CDC are now saying that vaccines are directly linked to autism and major other health threats. There are 4900 families suing over this issue in one major court proceeding. This is just the tip. It seems now we are over medicated and over vaccinated and 80% of illnesses and death are caused by all of these issues.
Please do not think I am trying to scare you-these are facts.
I applaud your decision in even getting different information. There are many websites you can use--www.homefirst.com, www.mercola.com-just look it over for yourself. The CPS teacher brought up a good point about the cultural diversity-but they HAVE to be vaccinated before they can enter this country.
Just keep in mind the healthiest of immune systems is treating our bodies and our children's bodies with respect and the best of food (organics and plenty of fruits and veggies), exercise and fresh air and most importantly pure clean wholesome water.
If you would like to discuss this more do not hesitate to send me a message. Further I am giving a discussion this Friday morning to a bunch of moms here in the area regarding sifting thru all of the hoopla. You are more than welcome to come-several moms that I have met thru this website will be in attendance.
Make it a great day!!