first, thimerosal isn't the only questionable ingredient. MOST of the vaccines given to children have had the thimerosal removed (although not all of them. the flu vax is one example that still has it).
second, don't feel like you're on a time schedule just because your doctor wants you on one. take as much time as you need to feel comfortable with your decision. you have many options, delaying vaccination until your child is older, selectively vaccinating, separating all the vaccines and give them at different times or not vaxing at all. if it takes you 3 months to figure it all out and you decide to fully vax on your doctor's schedule, you can always catch her up. you don't have to rush your decision.
there are 2 dvd that i would recommend highly by dr. sherri tenpenny, "Vaccines: What CDC Documents & Science Reveal" and "Vaccines: The Risks, Benefits & Choices". you can see her website here: www.nmaseminars.com/vaccine-articles.html
ultimately no one can tell you what to do. just keep doing research until you feel comfortable with your decision, because it's one that you and your child have to live with. i will say that your doctor may pressure you to vax or make you feel ridiculous for questioning it, but it's your right as a parent to vax or not however you feel is appropriate. if your doctor is not supportive of whatever your choice is, consider switching doctors.
hope that helps. :)