Stay off the internet. Don't check out the web sites. And, Oh boy, don't watch the TV, that is a new one! Go to your doctor, and if you really don't like what they say, get a new doctor you can trust.
Go to old grave yards, and read the smallest headstones from 100 years ago. Learn about one of the first vaccines for small pox. If you want to learn about risk, learn about how many people died in the 18th centrury just to get the vaccine. They spent 6 weeks in isolation, suffered huge side effects, and as many as 10% contracted small pox and many died. They still were willing to take that risk becaue they knew the horror of childhood mortality and much shorter lives that we take for granted now. We expect that our children will be born live, live through childhood without a life threatening illness, grow old, and out live us. It is because of modernity that you have the privalege to reject it, because without these life saving offerings, you would jump at the wonderful science that could save half your babies without so much as a second thought, and be grateful for the opportunity to avoid the heartache that so many families encountered prior to the 1950's.
Also check out the recent pertusis outbreak. It is running rampant through my city right now, and this sort of thing is in our future. Adults and children should be protecting newborns who cannot get this vaccine who are at the highest risk of death, by getting boosters.
Finally, check out the deseases your are protecting your children from with vaccines, because that should enter into your thought process. They are worse than any speculation about prevention based on conspiracy theory, anecdote, and fear, and remember, those of us who do vaccinate protect the children who are not, but the fewer there are, the greater the risk to those who are not.