Vacation Ideas - Frisco,TX

Updated on September 20, 2010
J.B. asks from Frisco, TX
4 answers

My family was looking for some ideas for vacationing this fall. We would be driving with a 13 month old, so we really need to stay within about 5 hours from the Dallas area. My mother-in-law would prefer somewhere she could bring her two small dogs. We are just looking for some great ideas for a 1 or 2 night getaway. Somewhere we can enjoy ourselves and connect. :0)

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answers from Dallas on

We recently went to Smithville, TX (where the movie Hope Floats was filmed) and LOVED it! It's about 4-4/12 hours from here (40 min East of Austin) - they have 2 suites you can have your baby in AND they allow dogs! Here is the website:


D. Alford
McKinney, TX



answers from Dallas on

Look into cabins on Lake Texoma. Fall is a great time of year to go there. Another great place is lake Murry up in OK. It's just a few hours up 35. There is a great drive through zoo just north of it and Turner falls is up there as well.



answers from Dallas on

San Antontio is always a good place to go. Takes about 5 hours from the Dallas Area. And we've done it several times with our 3 girls, the youngest of which is now 3 but she was probably only 6-7 months old the first time we made the drive with her. And there are many pet-friendly hotels in the area.


answers from Dallas on

We like to rent cabins in Oklahoma for a nice getaway at Beavers Bend Luxury Cabins.
There is a lot to do in oklahoma like going to feed the animals, frontier city, fishing, etc. Sometimes we take the family on a weekend trip there just to get away and sometimes a day trip. Our children are 20 months and 16 yrs old.

Or either we drive down to padre island and rent a condo at Palm Bay Village thru ; I know its a long drive but we loved it due it was located 3 minutes from the beach.

We use to drive to Louisiana for festivals but there are so many places to go in Texas but traveling within texas seems to take more time than going to oklahoma, louisiana or somewhere else.

I hope you find a nice vacation place for you and your family. That's all the suggestions I have.

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